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Professional Certificate in Sensory Analysis of Burgundy Wines

Plein tarif 2592€

Certificat Professionnel d’Analyse Sensorielle des Vins de Bourgogne, une formation certifiante.

Training content :

4 training modules :
1/ the basics of sensory analysis
2/ taste sensations
3/ olfactory sensations
4/ wine defects



– Optimize the performance of wine industry professionals by giving them the means to evaluate wines on objective characteristics using a common vocabulary and references, and to detect and identify any wine defects.
– Contribute to improving the quality of Burgundy wines by enabling professionals to better monitor the evolution of the organoleptic qualities of their wines throughout the vinification and ageing process.
– Enable job-seekers and trainees undergoing professional retraining to find employment in the wine industry.


Assessment methods:
Performance is assessed individually and as a group, with follow-up by participant and by session throughout the training to track trainee progress.

Final assessment:

Detection and recognition of sensory characteristics of wines, sensory sensitivity, ability to verbalize sensations and recognition of defects through tasting. Individual assessment.


Numerous aroma and flavor recognition tests in simple and compound solutions in water and wine. The tasting section is illustrated by the tasting of a large number of samples of white, red and Crémant Burgundy wines. One section is devoted to tasting wines with defects.


Trainer :
Myriam RENAUD SALLES, sensory analysis specialist.


Public and prerequisites :

This course is primarily open to professionals and employees in the Burgundy wine industry: winemakers, merchants, brokers, oenologists, technicians, sommeliers, wine merchants…

The course is also open to job-seekers and trainees undergoing professional retraining.



Feedback from previous sessions showed that 100% of participants felt the course met their expectations.
100% success rate in the final exam.


Prerequisites: Good knowledge of Burgundy wines.

Our Taster Certificate course prepares you for the CPAS.


Organization and registration procedures

For questions relating to the organization, content and progress of training courses, to the coverage of educational costs by OPCOs, to the use of CPF or AIF for jobseekers, please Contact our services.



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Registration form

